
Last updated on 34 minutes ago

Display automating Solution: Deploy your website by Editing content in Notion.

  1. Edit Personal Content in Notion
  2. Pingo upload banner_img and index_img for
  3. run github scripts to github pages

In this post, I want to share how I’ve automated the deployment of my personal website, streamlining content updates using Notion and GitHub Pages.

The Automation Workflow:

  1. Edit Content in Notion:

    I manage my website’s content through Notion. Whenever I want to update my personal content, I simply edit it in Notion, ensuring everything stays organized and easy to modify.

  2. Upload Banner and Index Images:

    For visual updates, I use Pingo to upload the banner images and index images that will appear on the website. This step ensures the site remains visually engaging and updated with fresh images.

  3. Run GitHub Scripts:

    Once the content and images are updated, I execute GitHub scripts that automatically deploy the latest version of the website to GitHub Pages, making the entire process seamless.

With this automation setup, I can easily update my website without needing to manually redeploy it. It’s fast, efficient, and allows me to focus on improving the content rather than worrying about technical deployments.

Video Display:

Shang Chien Liu
Posted on
December 24, 2023
Updated on
October 8, 2024
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