
Last updated on 2 hours ago

Web App Development Update: First Phase Preview

I am excited to share the progress of our app, currently in development. While it’s still in its early stages, I am showcasing the first-phase version of our application.

At this stage, I have implemented a basic Chat Room System. In the future, I will collaborate with other 4 software Engineering students to expand this into a full-fledged Emergency Chat System that includes a variety of powerful features such as:

  • Ability to share user status
  • Options for both private and public chats
  • Search functionality and Emergency Alerts
  • An Admin page for performing speed tests
  • Crucially, we will also implement:
    • Priority Messaging
    • Location Sharing
    • Offline Messaging Support
    • Emergency Contacts

This is just the beginning, and I am excited to continue developing features that enhance communication during emergencies. Stay tuned for more updates!

First Phase video:

To be Continue~

Shang Chien Liu
Posted on
August 24, 2024
Updated on
October 8, 2024
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