Scrutiny-AI A platform that helps reduce the workload of hiring managers 2025-01-09 Project #Next.js #Typescript #Docker #Go #Supabase
Emergency-Social-Network A real-time website that enables community members to share resources, request assistance, visualize data, and manage donations. 2024-09-20 Project #HTML #CSS #MySQL #JavaScript #Express.JS #AWS #Nginx #Passport.js
Automating-Personal-Website Build up your Free Blog 2023-12-24 Project #Notion #Hexo #Fluid #Markdown #NotionAPI
Driving-in-GoogleMap Simulation of driving in Google map 2023-12-24 Side Project #HTML #CSS #JavaScript
GRIT-model-with-GPT4 Utilize GRIT and GPT4 model to generate alert message from image 2023-09-23 Side Project #Python #Shell
FDT5-Model A real-time tiny model to generate engaging questions from vehicle surrounding views 2023-08-19 Project #Python
News-Facts-Explanation-Webs A website chatbot that discusses, clarifies news facts, and solicits user feedback in a conversational loop 2023-07-31 Project #HTML #CSS #Python #JavaScript #Prompting #GPT4
LocaVQG-Demo-System-Cabin-AI A demo system showcasing AI’s capability to interact with passengers by actively asking questions, detecting emotions, and summarizing personalities. 2023-07-21 Project #CSS #Python #SCSS #JavaScript #Shell #AzureAPI #Prompting #Powershell #GPT4
Hello-AI-World! It's the new era of AI, and I believe the next phase will involve deep collaboration between humans and AI. 2023-05-18 Blog #Personal
Create-a-Blog-Backend- Playground Create a Blog Backend Playground 2023-05-11 Blog #NotionAPI #GithubAction